Friday, November 8, 2019

Art I NB#1- Themed Room Brainstorm, Research & Sketch

ART I Sketchbook #5Themed Room Brainstorm, Research & Sketch

You will be designing/ drawing a room based on a themea single idea that unifies everything, using one-point perspective.
This Brainstorming exercise will begin the creative process and allow you to develop your ideas.

I. Brainstorm
  • List five (5) possible themes for your room. (i.e. Nature)

Choose your one (1) favorite theme from your list and respond to the following:
II. Research
  • List as many as you can think of/find objects/symbols/designs related to your theme. (minimum 20)

Use the list above to develop ideas for the following:
  • List six (6) pieces of furniture related to your theme, which would go in your room. (i.e. a chair made of branches)

  • List six (6) decorative elements that would be in your room. (i.e. vines, flowers)

  • List the colors that would be dominant in your room.

  • List four (4) interesting designs for windows and doors in your room. (i.e. leaf shaped window)

III. Sketch
Sketch ALL the ideas you developed in the above section above.
*3-dimensional drawings not required (only small thumbnails sketches).
Use the back of this paper for your sketches.

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