Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Art I SB#3- Cast of Characters

ART I Sketchbook #3- Cast of Characters
You will create the visual identity (what the character looks like) of your cast of characters to be included in your storyline. You are constructing the mask of your main character (in-class), and must draw the mask designs of the other characters.
  • Sketch mask designs for 3 different characters of your story.
  • You should have characters that support your main character, and characters that oppose your main character.
  • Each mask design should fill the entire page and be carefully drawn.
  • Must develop either full range gray-scale value or color value.
  • *This assignment should show at least 1 hour of your best effort and skill.

Due dates
Period 5  Thursday 3-5
Period 6  Thursday 3-5
Period 7  Tuesday 3-3
Period 8  Wenesday 3-4